Domo Geshe Rinpoche and the Ordained
Refuge and Bodhichitta Vows.
Students who have taken refuge with Domo Geshe Rinpoche are holders of both refuge and Bodhicitta vows. Holding these vows means taking refuge in the vast guru (teacher) and the Three Precious Gems – the Buddha (Awakened State), Dharma (Path to the Awakened state) and Enlightened Sangha (enlightened community). Bodhicitta vows inspire us to develop a highly altruistic mind, one that promises to become enlightened so we can help all sentient beings awaken.
Click here for more info on refuge vows.
Lay Vows
Rinpoche offers the opportunity to take and hold vows to build merit and strengthen our character. This ceremony is offered at various times, often at Lotus Lake Buddhist Center. One or more vows may be taken including:
- Abstaining from killing (harming living beings)
- Abstaining from stealing (taking what is not given to us)
- Abstaining from lying (deceiving others)
- Maintaining sexual loyalty (one partner)
- Abstaining from intoxicants (can be modified)
Ordination Vows
The White Conch ordained Sangha (community) consists of a number of Monastic and Ngakpang vow holders. These precious traditional vows have been integral to maintaining the Buddhist teachings for over 2600 years. The ordained have the responsibility of holding and telling the story of the beauty of Bodhicitta (Great Compassion). Monastic vow holders lead a life of renunciation, concentrating on their spiritual practice. Ngakpang vow holders may marry and have a family while also devoting their lives to spiritual practice. Rinpoche provides the same training in the vows to both men and women.
24 Hour Mahayana Vows
Rinpoche offers the opportunity to practice holding monastic vows for a day to build merit and purify. A limited set of monastic vows are taken.
The eight vows are:
1. Avoid killing
2. Avoid stealing or taking things without permission.
3. Avoid sexual contact.
4. Avoid lying and deceiving others.
5. Avoid intoxicants: alcohol, tobacco and recreational drugs.
6. Avoid eating more than one meal that day.
7. Avoid sitting on a high, expensive bed or seat with pride.
8. Avoid wearing jewelry, perfume, and make-up; and avoid singing, dancing or playing music with attachment.
The vows are taken before sunrise on Saturday and kept until sunrise on Sunday. Joyful Path offers this ceremony a few times a year.
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