Like many great teachers in the Buddhist tradition, Domo Geshe Rinpoche expounds upon complex classic texts in order to clarify their important meanings. Rinpoche breathes new life into seminal works and inspires her students to engage in the study of the Dharma. Buddhism has been rich in scholarly pursuit dating back to the great Indian sages and their commentaries on the teachings of the founder of Buddhism, Buddha Shakyamuni. As more English translations of classic works become available, Rinpoche’s commentaries help illuminate their beauty.
Commentaries are recorded and available to listen and view. Below is a list of those available for purchase:
Compassion Texts
- Guide to the Bodhisattva Way of Life by Shantideva
- Lamrim – to build the mind of enlightenment (bodhichitta)
- Liberation in the Palm of your Hand by Je Pabonka Rinpoche
- Words of My Perfect Teacher by Patrul Rinpoche
- Thirty Seven Practices of a Bodhisattva by Thogme Zangpo
- Seven Point Mind Training Text by Geshe Chekawa
- Mind Training: The Great Collection (selected teachings)
- The Lotus Sutra
- Jataka Tales (selected stories of the past lives of Buddha Shakymuni)
Wisdom Texts
- Heart of Wisdom Sutra
- Perfect Wisdom – the one hundred and eight names of holy perfection wisdom
- Twenty Emptinesses
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